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NOi Collection

  /    /  NOi Collection


A set of corners and sofas for people who value modern design combined with the extraordinary comfort of workmanship. NOi is a collection created for those who want to influence their interior and easily create their space. Thanks to the modularity of the solids of various dimensions, colors and finish, the product fits both the classic and modern interior. Design solutions allow you to change and add modules, so you can change the concept of your interior every day without buying a new product.

Thanks to the use of high-quality fillings, NOi is a collection for everyone who appreciates the comfort of sitting and resting. NOi is also a product for the youngest use of an optional fabric with the Magic Home function, which allows you to write and draw NOA, carelessly wipe creative drawings of the youngest creators.

sofa 150
sofa 200
sofa bed 200
corner unit
one seat section
footstool 150


footstool 200
right arm sofa 150
chaise longue -2 seater
right arm sofa 200
chaise longue - 3 seater